In 2012, the Chula Vista Learning Community Charter School embarked on a transformative journey, breaking ground on a new school site driven by unwavering community support. This monumental step was fueled by the shared vision to expand the CVLCC dual-language program into high school grades, setting the stage for the inception of CVLCC High School. Since then, our institution has been unwavering in its pursuit of excellence for young minds, establishing a formidable reputation through a rigorous college preparatory program delivered in two languages. Committed to nurturing global perspectives, our curriculum is imbued with a social justice and human rights lens.
Our robust academic program is focused on expanding language and developing critical thinking while building knowledge and skills that allow for both academic and emotional growth that prepares them for the challenges they will face in college and beyond.
"Community" is not just a part of our school's name; it is a living pillar that defines our ethos at CVLCC High School. Our commitment to community engagement is embedded in the fabric of our institution. Through active involvement in service and internships, our students transcend traditional classroom boundaries, applying the skills and knowledge they acquire to real-world scenarios.
CVLCC High School is not merely a place of learning; it is a launchpad where students become creators of knowledge, empowered to transform the world around them. Here, we instill in our students the belief that education is not just a destination but a journey towards making a positive impact on the global stage.